Create a new named scene * ''scene "name"'' Create a new named camera * ''camera "name" perspective fovyDegrees[float] zmin[float] zmax[float] eye[vec3] target[vec3] up[vec3]'' Create a new point light * ''light point position[vec3] size[float] energy[float]'' Or a new directional light * ''sun dirTo[vec3] energy[float]'' * ''sun color[vec3]'' * ''sun sizeMult[float]'' Custom tone mapping $\tfrac{5}{2}e^2\,, -12 \le e \le 12$ * ''tonemap exposure[float]'' Lights * ''ssphhLight "name" E0[float] falloffRadius[float] position[vec3] orientation[quat] sph[maxDegree, float[maxDegree*(maxDegree+1)]]'' * ''pointLight "name" E0[float] falloffRadius[float] position[vec3]'' Sphere * ''sphere position[vec3] radius[float] "material name"'' Materials * ''newmtl "material name"'' * ''usemtl "material name"'' * ''Ka color[vec3]'' ambient reflectivity * ''Kd color[vec3]'' diffuse reflectivity * ''Ks color[vec3]'' specular reflectivity * ''Tf color[vec3]'' transmission filter * ''illum model[int]'' illumination model [0 to 10] * ''d factor[float]'' dissolve factor * ''Ns exponent[float]'' specular exponent or shininess * ''Ni ior[float]'' index of refraction * ''map_Ka filename[string]'' * ''map_Kd filename[string]'' * ''map_Ks filename[string]'' * ''map_Ns filename[string]'' * ''map_d filename[string]'' * ''disp filename[string]'' not used * ''bump filename[string]'' not used * ''decal filename[string]'' not used * ''normal filename[string]'' (V+(1,1,1))/2 encoded normal map * ''refl -type sphere filename[string]'' * ''refl -type cyl filename[string]'' * ''refl -type cube posx[string] negx[string] posy[string] negy[string] posz[string] negz[string]'' * ''refl -type cube_top pos_y[string]'' * ''refl -type cube_bottom neg_y[string]'' * ''refl -type cube_front pos_z[string]'' * ''refl -type cube_back neg_z[string]'' * ''refl -type cube_left neg_x[string]'' * ''refl -type cube_right pos_x[string]'' * ''PBior indexOfRefraction[float]'' specular layer index of refraction * ''PBk extinctionCoefficient[float]'' specular layer extinction coefficient (for metals) * ''PBKsm roughness[float]'' specular layer roughness * ''PBKdm roughness[float]'' diffuse layer roughness * ''PBillum model[int]'' Physically Based Rendering illumination model * 0 Physically Based Rendering mode * 1 Normals only (V+(1,1,1))/2 * 2 Ka only * 3 Kd only * 4 Ks only * 5 ior only * 6 k only * 7 diffuse roughness only * 8 specular roughness only * 9 map_Ka only * 10 map_Kd only * 11 map_Ks only